Leighton Linslade Allotment Association Rules 

NAME The name of the association shall be Leighton Linslade Allotment Association The objects of the association shall be: 

  1. (i)  To promote the interests of all members in the gardening activities and to take joint action for the benefits of members. 
    (ii)  To conduct negotiations with the local authority and private landlords for the use of gardening land. 
    (iii)  To take action to protect members against damage, trespass and theft. 
    iv)  To obtain a supply of seeds, fertilizers, tools and other horticultural equipment on behalf of members. 
    (v)  Arranging lectures, film shows, demonstrations, competitions and other social events. 
    (vi)  Co-operating with other gardening associations and environmental organisations in matters of mutual interest.
  2. Membership. The Association shall consist of such persons whose applications for membership are approved by the Committee. 
  3. Subscription. Every member shall pay on entry into the Association an annual subscription of £5 renewable on July in each year. 
  4. Arrears. Any member who is one month in arrears with his subscription shall be held to have ceased to be a member, unless explanation in writing is given to the Committee of extenuating circumstances. 
  5. Officers. The Officers of the Association shall be a Chairperson, a Secretary, a Treasurer. They shall be elected at each Annual General Meeting. Retiring Officers shall be eligible for re-election. They shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. 
  6. Committee. The affairs of the Association shall be conducted by a Committee of Management of not less than nine members. The Committee shall retire at the Annual General Meeting but shall be eligible for re-election. Casual vacancies shall be filled by the Committee and the members so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting. A quorum shall be four members. 
  7. General Meetings. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such time as the Committee or a General Meeting shall decide. Ten members shall form a quorum. At the meeting the audited accounts and Secretary’s Report shall be submitted and the Officers and Committee for the ensuing year elected. Special General Meetings shall be called upon the requisition in writing to the Secretary of at least ten members. No party-political or sectarian discussions shall be raised or resolutions proposed at either Committee or General Meeting. 
  8. Bank Account. The Committee shall open a banking account in the name of the Association and all monies received from any source on behalf of the Association shall be paid into such account. Two out of three signatories shall sign cheques. 
  9. Auditors. Two auditors shall be appointed, who are not members of the Committee, to audit the accounts and report thereon to the Annual General Meeting. 
  10. Membership of The National Society of Allotment and Leisure Gardeners Ltd shall be applied for and it shall be a condition of membership to agree to pay such annual affiliation contributions as may from time to time be prescribed. 

Rules of association adopted on 19.7.11