The LLAA is the tenant of plot WA89 at Weston Avenue.

The Grand Opening of the Weston Avenue Allotments Community Shed

On 19th September 2016 , association members and plot holders welcomed the Town Mayor councillor Ray Berry to open our community shed.

Our community shed is a focal point of the Weston Avenue allotments. Plot holders can meet and share a conversation and a cup of tea. We also use the shed to host community and charity events.

A big thank you goes out to everyone that has helped over the months to get this project completed, especially Stephen Bennett, John Inns, Ken Griffin, Paul Rowley and John Neal for their never ceasing efforts to get the building and the grounds prepared, there are numerous people that have not only offered their own time to help but have also personally paid for items to help with the project, we are all very grateful for these donations.

A big thank you goes out to everyone that has helped over the months to get this project completed, especially Stephen Bennett, John Inns, Ken Griffin, Paul Rowley and John Neal for their never ceasing efforts to get the building and the grounds prepared, there are numerous people that have not only offered their own time to help but have also personally paid for items to help with the project, we are all very grateful for these donations.

Why not pay us a visit.