The Leighton Buzzard Allotment Association was formed on the 19th July 2011.

It was originally established in respose to the threat of development for housing of Weston Avenue allotments. The name was changes in July 2015 to Leighton Linslade Allotment Association to reflect the inclusion of Alwins Field allotments members into the association.

It was decided at the inaugral meeting that the objects of the association shall be: 

To promote the interests of all members in the gardening activities and to take joint action for the benefits of members.

To conduct negotiations with the local authority and private landlords for the use of gardening land.

To take action to protect members against damage, trespass and theft.

To obtain a supply of seeds, fertilizers, tools and other horticultural equipment on behalf of members.

Arranging lectures, film shows, demonstrations, competitions and other social events.

Co-operating with other gardening associations and environmental organisations in matters of mutual interest.

The association is run by a Committee elected by members at the AGM in July.

For an annual membership fee of just £7 you will not only get support but receive many benefits including:

Public liability insurance for you and your guests working on your allotment

Automatic membership of the National Allotment Society (NAS)
Up to 50% discount on Kings Seeds via the NAS seed scheme

Automatic membership of the National Allotment Society (NAS)

Up to 50% discount on Kings Seeds via the NAS seed scheme